What is there to celebrate ?............we have so little to celebrate with human development indicators lower in key areas than our south Asian neighbours and south Africa.
We are eating less in terms of calories than a decade ago. We have millions of males than females in our population and social consequences of this male surplus will be massive .Our education system is in shambles. our infrastrucure is scarily bad. The only town in India with clean water is ajamshedpur.
We have a fiscal crisis looming, shuttering growth, rising prices, stagnating Agriculture, caste,and religious descrimination, partisan politics to the maximum and policy paralysis. Governance, particularly at State levels where one Chief Minister replaces another, is so awful that you run out of adjectives. (by Kanti Bajoai TOI, 28-04-2012))
What is there to celebrate ?............we have so little to celebrate with human development indicators lower in key areas than our south Asian neighbours and south Africa.
We are eating less in terms of calories than a decade ago. We have millions of males than females in our population and social consequences of this male surplus will be massive .Our education system is in shambles. our infrastrucure is scarily bad. The only town in India with clean water is ajamshedpur.
We have a fiscal crisis looming, shuttering growth, rising prices, stagnating Agriculture, caste,and religious descrimination, partisan politics to the maximum and policy paralysis. Governance, particularly at State levels where one Chief Minister replaces another, is so awful that you run out of adjectives. (by Kanti Bajoai TOI, 28-04-2012))